Steven cutting channel for electric cables in kitchen |
I am in awe of Steven and Ryan....they're amazing! I'm struggling to just get my head around what they're able to achieve! Despite my constant anxiety attacks and moments (okay, hours) of self doubt, I am so grateful to be surrounded by professionals who know what they're doing, are good at it and are supremely patient with their nightmare of a client!
Today - ongoing plumbing and running of electrical cables. Work on new kitchen.
New footing for new kitchen wall (folding glass doors) |
I have been researching painting of claw foot bath and came across another blog "Old Stone House" which had a really helful step-by-step guide to restoring clawfoot baths. I also walked to every lighting shop in Dunedin to choose light fittings (still no further ahead) and plumbing shops to choose heated towel rail. One minute I am bemoaning the fact that we have so few choices here in NZ, and the next complaining that there are too many choices and how on earth am I to decide?
Channels cut (technical word for this?) & footings dug out |
The day ended at midnight (funnily enough), with a skype to my brother without whom I am quite sure my head would quite literally explode! He talked through shower issues and lighting issues with me but was mainly just a sounding board for me to vent! If you are about to embark on a project like this, I highly recommend finding someone thats willing to listen to you blather on about the pros and cons of every single aspect of your project!